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Monday, June 27, 2011

Cozumel's Crocodile

The beautiful Cozumel island, was once a sacred place to the Maya Moon Goddess, Ix Chel, turned out to a place of refuge during the 17th century for pirates. More recently, Cozumel was a site of agriculture, the fishing a huge selection of tropical fish, and hunting crocodiles. See Cozumel Tour.

American Crocodiles, Crocodylus acutus, have taken their home in most of the fresh or brackish waters of river estuaries, coastal lagoons, mangrove swamps and wetlands. They've recently been known to occupy shallow areas such as creeks as well as ponds. Surviving all through Southern Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean, some thousand of these carnivores also inhabit home in areas of southern Florida.

Safeguarded Crocs

Even with their increased adaptability to live in both salt and fresh waters, and reinforced by webbed toes for speedy travel in land and water- in the regions they're encountered, their population has really gone down. American Crocodiles, as well as those existing in Cozumel, have been hunted for their hides to supply the profitable leather trade, confronted by pollution and forced from their habitats. The later is caused by human development and also the potential incursion and inundation of wetland habitats as climate changes raise sea levels.

Under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) these reptilian creatures have been listed as endangered, while the IUCN Red list rated the simply 'Vulnerable'. In Cozumel, the reptile remains protected from illegal harassing, poaching or killing under the ESA.

Getting a closer look

With their primitive characteristics they're very easily recognizable. Their dusky, grey-green skin as well as long narrow snouts set them apart from other species of crocodiles, then when the crock's tough jaws are closed, its fourth tooth on each side of their bottom jaw peek out.

Hatching from a three month incubation period, these creatures are born in clutches of up to 60 eggs at any given time. The babies are approximately 22 centimetres (8.7 in) in size weighing roughly 60 grams (2 oz). The average adult can grow to 4metres (13ft) in length and can weigh up to 382 KG (840 lb) Females are usually the smaller of the species, averaging 3 metres (9.8 ft) and 173 kilograms (380 lb). Yet, they can grow much larger than this. Actually, in Central America one particular crocodile was noted to get to 7 metres (22 ft)!

When they start to grow into adult hood, living up to 70 -and rarely, 100- years, a visible swelling begins to form under each of the crocodile's eye.

Starting from snacking on insects as small crocodiles, these creatures grow to eat fish-making up the bulk of their diet- birds, turtles, crabs, frogs, snails and even cattle. When entirely grown they've no natural predators, and are effective of preying on almost any animal.

Very less aggressive as opposed to Nile and Australian relatives, American crocodiles are hardly ever seen by men and women, and have even been referred to as timid. Even so, there are already documented reports of human attacks and if perhaps you get the possibility to see one it is advised that they are not approached. Both on land and also in the water, crocodiles can move with high speed in spite of their size. Making use of its tail as a paddle it can swim up to 20 mph.

In the event an American Crocodile engages you on land, running in a zigzag pattern will really improve your odds of escape, seeing that their body shape makes it tough to manoeuvre speedily out of the water.

Where to Go

In Cozumel, they are considered a shy by nature making chancing upon one rare. More commonly than not they can be seen in the southern and northern parts of the area. You can observe this fascinating reptile in its natural environment at Cozumel's Punta Sur Park. Additionally, looking back down the road from the lighthouse at Punta Sur with the sea on your right, to the left you'll find a natural crocodile lagoon.

And then there, if perhaps you're fortunate, you'll as well come across the Crocodylus Acutus.

Adventure Tours

Join our Crocodile Tour on the mainland of the Riveira Maya to positively watch crocodiles on your visit.

If perhaps you are interested in a nice nature tour of Cozumel explore the Cozumel Island Tour.

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